Who are the Mennonites?
Mennonites get their name from a 16th century Dutch ex-Roman Catholic priest named Menno Simons. Menno led a group of Christian believers known as “Anabaptists”. They were called Anabaptists because they did not accept the infant baptism of the Catholic, Lutheran or Reformed churches. Instead, they chose to be “re-baptized” (the meaning of “Anabaptist”) upon their confession of faith. Only those who were old enough to respond to the divine call to faith in Jesus Christ were baptized. Eventually, Menno’s leadership became so widely known and accepted that the Anabaptists took on his name.
Mennonites began in the Dutch, German and Swiss areas of Europe. However, today Mennonites are found throughout the world, worshiping in various languages and cultural expressions.
W-K United Mennonite Church is regionally affiliated with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, Mennonite Church Canada nationally, and Mennonite World Conference at the international level. We are a diverse group united in Christ for fellowship, worship, service and witness.
Learn more about Mennonite history by following these links:
What makes a Mennonite?
Mennonite archives of Ontario
Mennonite Historical Society of Cananda
Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario